
November 23, 2010

Bright Side of Ickies

Yesterday Drew stayed home from school - which meant Mommy worked from home.  Sunday evening he came to us saying: "I'm going to have ickies".

While this would likely mean bad things in your house, we were very excited that we had the advanced warning!  Drew was successfully shuttled off to the bathroom before any "ickies" hit the floor.

This happened not once, but twice!  The second time though the warning was just a bit too late and we hit the floor (in the bathroom).  When he got sick overnight, we heard the cry out before he actually got sick.  So Dave made it to the bedroom just in time.

I guess there's one perk from your child puking all the time his first three years of life - he now knows what the sensation feels like before it arrives.  I've heard of elementary school kids who have yet to 'master' this "skill".

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