
June 24, 2009

Chronicles of an Illness

So Drew is still experiencing extremely high fevers - ranging from 100.5-104.5. Most of the time he's hovering between 101-103ish. The puking and diarrhea seem to slowly subsiding, well the puking more so. He still isn't eating much, but his throat is incredibly sore.

After another afternoon of nearly 104 degree fevers I called the doctor and brought him back in. Drew was starting to get pretty weak and very unlike him. So in my panic he went back to the doctor where he was diagnosed with Tonsillitis and we're waiting for the results of the second strep throat culture. I was a little concerned when they did the swab and came out with blood on the swab - I've never seen that before.

In the meantime, no medicine since it's viral until the throat culture says otherwise. So it's plenty of Motrin & Tylenol for the little guy. Every once in a while we see the normal Drew come through - and here are a few things that make him happy....

All I can say is thank goodness for YouTube - here's the full commercial if you're interested. Drew seriously has us rewind this commercial when we see it on TV, and he's asked to watch it on YouTube about 30 times a day. We play it, and he says "Again". Needless to say "pahsi" goes nigh-night many times a day.

And then last night Drew's appetite came back for a little while. All he wanted was his waffle and 'roni. Oh, and normally Drew won't eat anything unless it's cut up.. that's what makes the waffle video so funny to us.

1 comment:

  1. Poor kiddo. It's almost like you want the throat culture to come back positive just so you can give him some sort of medicine. Kwim?
